sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013

FarmVille - Capítulo 7 da Mystical Groves

O capítulo 7 da Mystical Groves chegam na segunda-feira, dia 28 de outubro, e vão até dia 4 de novembro! Veja abaixo a primeira prévia:

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FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 7 Quest 1: Freshly Dressed
Requirements: Get 7 Kingly Clothes, Harvest 120 Bright Stalk & Craft Lucky Tonic 2 Times
Rewards: Riding Boar

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 7 Quest 2: The Hot Seat
Requirements: Get 8 Royal Thrones, Harvest 120 Obal Pumpkin & Harvest Riding Boar 2 Times
Rewards: Seneschal Dwarf

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 7 Quest 3: Roll Out the Carpet
Requirements: Get 9 Royal Carpets, Harvest 130 Zaffre Oats & Make Melody Mix 2 Times
Rewards: Village Tavern

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 7 Quest 4: Finishing Touches
Requirements: Get 9 Furred Mantles, Harvest 150 Violet Allium & Master Riding Boar to 1-Star
Rewards: Light Castle Tree

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 7 Quest 5: Crowning Moment
Requirements: Get 10 King’s Crown, Harvest 160 Fairy Blossom & Make Tickled Pink 2 Times
Rewards: Royal Red Panda Guard

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 7 Quest 6: Solemn Swear
Requirements: Get 12 King’s Oaths, Harvest 175 Dragon Vine & Craft Brouha Brew 2 Times
Rewards: Gilded Armor Pegacorn

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