quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013

[FarmVille] Capítulo 4 das Quests Mystical Groves

O capítulo 4 da Mystical Groves chegam na segunda-feira, dia 7 de outubro, e acabam no  dia 14 de outubro. Veja abaixo e se prepare:

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FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 4 Quest 1: Hard Work Pays
Requirements: Get 7 Flint Rocks, Harvest 90 Brusen Berry & Craft Plentiful Potion 2 Times
Rewards: White Rider Stag

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 4 Quest 2: Breaking Point
Requirements: Get 8 Stirring Spoons, Harvest 90 Kalanchoe & Harvest White Rider Stag 2 Times
Rewards: Violinist Dwarf

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 4 Quest 3: Personal Skeletons
Requirements: Get 9 Skeleton Keys, Harvest 100 Dusk Turnips & Make Cup of Cordial 2 Times
Rewards: Blue Winged Lion

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 4 Quest 4: Pals or Gals?
Requirements: Get 9 Wash Pails, Harvest 100 Dragon Vine & Master White Rider Stag to 1-Star
Rewards: Flowering Magic Tree

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 4 Quest 5: Truthfully
Requirements: Get 10 Feather Dusters, Harvest 120 Firelight Mushrooms & Craft Saving Salve 2 Times
Rewards: Rhino Mount

FarmVille Mystical Groves Chapter 4 Quest 6: Spark of Hope
Requirements: Get 12 Dragon Saddles, Harvest 140 Fairy Blossom & Raise Plentiful Potion to Level 3
Rewards: Fairyfly Pegasus

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