quarta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2013

FarmVille - Quests The Magical Circus Zindini

O Circo Zindini chega com novas quests quinta-feira, 22 de agosto, e vai até dia 5 de setembro. Prepare-se com o guia abaixo:

Clique acima para nos ajudar!

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 1: 
Requirements: Get 7 Fleas, Harvest 60 Popcorn & Make 4 Butter
Rewards: Juggling Elephant Fairy

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 2: 
Requirements: Get 8 Juggling Pins, Harvest 90 Peanut & Harvest Juggling Elephant Fairy 2 Times
Rewards: Book of XP

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 3: 
Requirements: Get 9 Bike Horns, Harvest 190 Dandelion & Make 2 Vehicle Parts
Rewards: Seal Clown Car

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 4: 
Requirements: Get 10 Trainer Stools, Harvest 150 Popcorn & Master Juggling Elephant Fairy to 1-Star
Rewards: Lion Tamer Gnomette

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 5: 
Requirements: Get 10 Bullwhips, Harvest 180 Leek & Make 3 Wool Socks
Rewards: 3 Pack of Turbo

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 6: 
Requirements: Get 10 Hoops, Harvest 180 Rhubarb & Make 2 Energizing Lotion Recipes
Rewards: Fiery Hoops Tree

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 7: 
Requirements: Get 11 Torches, Master Popcorn to 1-Star & Make 2 Fuel Cans
Rewards: Fire Breather Chicken

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 8: 
Requirements: Get 12 Trapeze Costumes, Harvest 220 Pineapple & Make 10 Fuzzy Float
Rewards: Mystery Game Dart

FarmVille The Magical Circus Zindini Quest 9: 
Requirements: Get 14 Barbells, Harvest 240 Squash & Make Any 4 Milkshakes in the Dairy
Rewards: Strongman Stallion

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