quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2013

[FarmVille] Nova votação: Garden Personality Voting

Veja os prêmios do novo sistema de votação que teremos intitulado Garden Personality!

Clique acima para nos ajudar!

FarmVille Garden Personality Stages:

FarmVille Garden Personality Start

FarmVille Garden Personality Version 1

FarmVille Garden Personality Version 2

FarmVille Garden Personality Voting Possible Prizes:

FarmVille Mini Farmer’s Market
FarmVille Flower Nursery

FarmVille Cabbage Patch Hedgehog
FarmVille Felicia Fox

FarmVille Veggie Box Beagle
FarmVille Flowerpot Kitty

FarmVille Carrot Basket Horse
FarmVille Skinny Cow

FarmVille Farmer’s Hat Tree
FarmVille Gardener’s Bonnet Tree

FarmVille Harvest Pig
FarmVille Bluebell Horse

FarmVille Veggie Vine Monkey
FarmVille Fluffy Flower Sheep

FarmVille Potted Plant Gnome
FarmVille Veggie Basket Gnome

FarmVille Vegetable Wheelbarrow
FarmVille Rose Trellis

FarmVille Leafy Greens Tree
FarmVille Wild Flower Bouquet Tree

FarmVille Wheelbarrow Tree
FarmVille Watering Can Tree

FarmVille Farmer Pegacorn
FarmVille Gardener Pegacorn

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FarmVille 2 Feed Brasil | ELETRO AQUILA - Componentes Eletronicos - São José dos Campos ©2010