terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

[FarmVille] Nova votação Candy Shop

Hoje chega a nova votação para ganharmos prêmios excusivos! Ela vale em qualquer fazenda.

Veja os diferentes prêmios abaixo:

Clique acima para nos ajudar!

FarmVille Candy Shop Voting Stages:

FarmVille Candy Shop Start

FarmVille Candy Shop Version 1

FarmVille Candy Shop Version 2

FarmVille Candy Shop Voting Prizes:

FarmVille Mint Chip Chimp
FarmVille Cinnamonkey

FarmVille Blackberry Peach Pig
FarmVille Cherry Pie Pig

FarmVille FarmVille Giant Rocky Road Ladybug
FarmVille Giant Taffy Butterfly

FarmVille Rocky Road Mustang
FarmVille Blondie Horse

FarmVille Strawberry Shake Gnome
FarmVille Root Beer Gnome

FarmVille Black Licorice Panther
FarmVille Red Licorice Fox

FarmVille Maccaroon Babboon
FarmVille Jelly Bear

FarmVille Cool Mint Coyote
FarmVille Hard Candy Hermit Crab

FarmVille Milk Chocolate Moose
FarmVille White Chocolate Stag

FarmVille Ice Cream Bar Tree
FarmVille Double Popsicle Tree

FarmVille Gumdrop Hedgehog
FarmVille Candy Floss Alpaca

FarmVille Pink Frosted Pegacorn
FarmVille Blue Frosted Pegacorn

  • Não se esqueça de curtir e compartilhar a matéria com seus amigos!!!
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  • Participe de nossos sorteios semanais de FarmCashs:

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FarmVille 2 Feed Brasil | ELETRO AQUILA - Componentes Eletronicos - São José dos Campos ©2010