terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2013

[Farmville] Tesouros da Celestial Pastures: Slime Treasures

Como as outras fazendas, teremos alguns tesouros exclusivos na Celestial Pastures. Veja abaixo o que você poderá encontrar:

Clique acima para nos ajudar!

Farmville Space Small Treasure Stage 1Farmville Space Medium Treasure Stage 1
SmallMediumLargeExtra Large
Blue Sun MonkeyCrystal Fuzz FlowerboxSaber CatBump Back Boar
Blue Sun MonkeyCrystal Fuzz FlowerboxSaber CatBump Back Boar
Space Dusted ToadSeeing Space FormationLong Neck Pink Puff Tree
Space Dusted ToadSeeing Space FormationLong NeckPink Puff Tree
Gel OctiStardust FountainFooz BalFwuzzy Cow
Gel OctiStardust FountainFooz BalFwuzzy Cow
Shooting Stars SignMicro Mini MoonFur-Ball TreeMoon Shine Raptor
Shooting Star SignMicro Mini MoonFur Ball TreeMoon Shine Raptor
Space HamsterFloating Crystal RocksStarlight Fiber TreeMezzo Pony
Space HamsterFloating Crystal RocksStarlight Fiber TreeMezzo Pony
Crater WarthogPing Pong Starred FoxMooscoon
Crater WarthogPong PingStarred FoxMooscoon
Comet Shell TortoiseCrystal Rock ArchSpace MouseTuft Top Tree
Comet Shell TortoiseCrystal Rock ArchSpace MouseTuft Top Tree
Space Cadet GnometteCosmic Lycra GnomeCrystal SpireGem Pocket Tree
Space Cadette GnomeCosmic Lycra GnomeCrystal SpireGem Pocket Tree
Planet PuffsWok WokBasher Bull
Planet PuffsWok WokBasher Bull
Yellow Fuz OstrichGalactic Gallop UnicornBaboorine
Yellow Fuz OstrichGalactic Gallop UnicornBaboorine
Fragmented Moon TreeCrystal Horned Deer
Fragmented Moon TreeCrystal Horned Deer
Sun Striped BeaverRuzzle
Sun Striped BeaverRuzzle
Space Pine
Space Pine Tree
Two Toe Bear
Two Toe Bear
Cosmic Drago
Cosmic Drago
Space Cloud Tree
Space Cloud Tree

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