sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

[FarmVille] Tesouros da Hanging Gardens

A nova fazenda Hanging Gardens está coberta de tesouros enterrados! Encontramos esta listagem completa de todos os prêmios que você pode conseguir nesta nova modalidade.

Note que há alguns tesouros que você vai descobrir com Golden Trowels, também existem alguns tesouros como "extras" que você receberá ao longo das etapas e, finalmente, os tesouros Roadblock, que ganha quando você reparar as pontes quebradas entre os estágios.

Uma vez que a Hanging Garden for concluída, você receberá a Fonte de Instagrow que pode ser colhida uma vez por semana por Instant Grows que fazem crescer sua plantação instantaneamente! Veja abaixo os itens:

Clique acima para nos ajudar!

FarmVille Hanging Gardens Treasures:

(150 Trowels)
(170 Trowels)
(210 Trowels)
(270 Trowels)
(350 Trowels)
(350 Trowels)

10 Fuel Refill


5x Arborist


Gem Cow

Mystical Horse

Fertilize All

Gold Garden

Zen Gnome

Global Gnome

Amethyst Pegacorn

Mini Fairy Barn

Spring Pegasus

Gold Dragon

Turtle Island

Outback Horse

5x Farmhands


Rainbow Pond


5x Farmhands


3 Pack of Turbo

3 Pack of Turbo

Flower Goat

3 Pack of Turbo

Maple Bonsai II

3 Pack of Turbo

10x Coral Crowbars

Mystic Water Tree

3 Pack of Turbo

Golden Fountain

Mystery Game Dart

10 Coral Crowbars

Mystery Game Dart

3x Mystery Game Dart

Springly Puppy



Mystery Game Dart

Mini Prism Castle

Mystical Tropical Tree

Blossoming Tree

10 Coral Keys

Animal Pen Mastery Totem I

World Cottage

5x Fertilize All

Fertilize All


Fertilize All

Giant Dragon Boat Tree

Fleur de Lis Fountain

10x Fuel Refill

10x Fuel Refill


10 Fuel Refill

Fertilize All

10 Fuel Refill



Rainbow Magnolia Tree

Golden WInged Pony

Samurai Duck

3x Unwither

Gem Waterfall

Mayan Dancer Duck

Lily Fairy Gnome

Fairy Gold Tree
Weeping Berry TreePurple Tulip TreeAlexandrite GnomeButterfly Fountain

Mystery Game Dart

Giant Gold Chain Tree
Jade Dragon FountainGiant Fleur de Lis Tree3x UnwitherDragonfly Pond

Big Glittery Butterfly Tree

Winged Golden Lion

Large Can of Fuel
Irish LakeRainbow Prism BonsaiLight Mist Pegacorn
Jade FanNatural Mini HorseJade Pig3x Unwither
Feisty Gem Tree
FarmVille Hanging Gardens Roadblock Treasures:

Botanical Ruined Bridge
(160 Trowels)

Aztec Ruined
(190 Trowels)

Jade Ruined
(240 Trowels)

World Horizontal
Ruined Wall
(310 Trowels)

Gem Ruined
(400 Trowels)

Botanical Monster

Golden Deer

Jade War Horse

Global Cow

Emerald Gem Unicorn

FarmVille Hanging Gardens Free Treasures (Found after behind treasures):
Jade AreaBotanical AreaAztec AreaGem AreaWorld AreaRainforest Area

Jade Waterfall

Botanical Fountain

Aztec Centerpiece

Gem Centerpiece

World Centerpiece

Rainforest Dragon

x3 Jade Bush

Flower Lamp Post

Aztec Duck Totem

Gem Sheep

x4 World Vase

x2 Rainforest Vineplant

Jade Centerpiece

Botanical Planter

x2 Aztec Cow Statue

Gem Swan

x2 Firefly Lamp

Jade Park

x2 Botanical Statue

Jade Zen Garden

Giant Flower

FarmVille Hanging Gardens Treasures Final Prizes:

FarmVille Instagrow Fountain
FarmVille x1 Instagrow

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