quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013

[FarmVille] Chegou a Sunrise Forest

A FarmVille Sunrise Forest chegou hoje no FarmVille! É uma nova construção que pode ser coletada por sementes, especificamente por Scarlet Sunflower seeds, que você poderá cultivar nas suas fazendas. Você terá que coletar diversos materiais para completar a construção, mostrados abaixo:

Clique acima para nos ajudar!

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Buildable Stages:

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 1

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 2

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 3

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 4

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 5

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 6

FarmVille Sunrise Forest Complete

Materiais necessários:

FarmVille Star Dust

FarmVille Sunrise Seed

FarmVille Sunburst Cloud

  • FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 1 Requirements: 6 Star Dust, 6 Sunrise Seed & 9 Sunburst Cloud (Total 21 Parts)
  • FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 2 Requirements: 8 Star Dust, 8 Sunrise Seed & 12 Sunburst Cloud (Total 28 Parts)
  • FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 3 Requirements: 10 Star Dust, 10 Sunrise Seed & 15 Sunburst Cloud (Total 35 Parts)
  • FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 4 Requirements: 12 Star Dust, 12 Sunrise Seed & 18 Sunburst Cloud (Total 42 Parts)
  • FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 5 Requirements: 14 Star Dust, 14 Sunrise Seed & 21 Sunburst Cloud (Total 49 Parts)
  • FarmVille Sunrise Forest Stage 6 Requirements: 16 Star Dust, 16 Sunrise Seed & 24 Sunburst Cloud (Total 56 Parts)
  • FarmVille Sunrise Forest Total Complete Requirements: 66 Star Dust, 66 Sunrise Seed & 99 Sunburst Cloud (Total 231 Parts)

  • Não se esqueça de curtir e compartilhar a matéria com seus amigos!!!
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FarmVille 2 Feed Brasil | ELETRO AQUILA - Componentes Eletronicos - São José dos Campos ©2010